Qi Gong (Qi = energy, vitality and Gong = work, care) is - according to historical accounts - about 2000 years old and was strongly influenced by Buddhism, Daoism and Chinese medicine. The aim of Qi Gong is to strengthen the life energy, as well as to maintain health and mental condition, which should ultimately lead to a prolongation of life.


Qi Gong can be practised by people of all ages. The movements are performed slowly and with concentration. Correct breathing also plays an important role. Qi Gong can correct minor postural defects and even heal some of them. However, in the case of serious illnesses or ailments, you should always check with a doctor whether you are allowed to practise Qi Gong as an adjunct to treatment or therapy.


However, we clearly distance ourselves from statements such as: "Qi Gong cures cancer and other serious illnesses".


We teach the following Qi Gong forms: 


Shi Ba Shi Set 1 und 2

(Taiji Qi Gong or also the 18 exercises)


Yu Zhen Bu Yuan Gong

(Kidney Qi Gong)


Shu Jin Zhuang Gu Gong

(Muscle and Bone Qi Gong)


Bao Jian Gong 

(Health Protective Qi Gong)

Shi Er Fa

(12-part form)


Ba Duan Jin

(8 Brocades Qi Gong)


Taiji Zhi


Wu Qin Xi

(Five Animal Games)